Modern and stylish urban high rise condominium where style meets perfectly with function.
Aiming to provide tasteful design and quality development,
The Urban Property pays attention to every little detail and creates an affordable yet luxurious property
for any individuals to enjoy as their own expression of style.
"At The Gallery, life is curated in unique ways as a carefully arranged exhibition.
Living becomes a big blank canvas
where individuals can add colours and freshness into every essence."
Project Name
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Project Layout
Unit Plan
"Choose happiness with the life you choose" Curator with the concept of Co-created boutique townhome which allows you to select every happiness and preference that does not have to be like anyone else for you to choose to live according to your lifestyle Enjoy modifying functions Break free from the same limitations with a space that has never been before.
"Choose happiness with the life you choose" Curator with the concept of Co-created boutique townhome which allows you to select every happiness and preference that does not have to be like anyone else for you to choose to live according to your lifestyle Enjoy modifying functions Break free from the same limitations with a space that has never been before.